Earn Credit While Attending a Three or Four Day Learning Seminar
Participants in the Langford Three and Four Day Langford Learning Seminar can earn university credit.
EDCE 500 Three professional development quarter credits through Central Washington University.
The usual out-of-state Continuing Education tuition is significantly reduced through a cost-sharing agreement with Langford International Inc. The credit fee is $350.00 for three quarter credit hours and a certified transcript.
These credits are offered primarily for teacher re-certification, pay scale advancement, and continuing education requirements. The graded course provides an A or Incomplete.
The credit registration and payment will be processed on-site at the seminar, and the credit cost is in addition to the Three and Four Day Seminar Fee.
Forms will be available at each Three and Four Day Learning Seminar and completed during the seminar.
Payment can be made either through personal checks or credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover).
For more information, please contact us.